Evaluación de la experiencia VR Family Approach por los usuarios


  • DTI Foundation


  • Educación
  • Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud

Esta es la evaluación de la experiencia VR Family Approach a partir de los cuestionarios de evaluación respondidos por los participantes, dando su opinión (86 respuestas) de 3 cursos diferentes organizados por TPM (Transplant Procurement Management) y DTI (Donation & Transplantation Institute) en 2021.

Evaluation Criteria


USABILITY of the App
Simplicity and ease of navigation and usability (Is the chapter selector, language and subtitle selector, menu, etc. easy to find and use?)4,1
The speed of download times3,88
To what extent did the instructions help you understand how the App and Virtual Reality Glasses work?4,11
Speed and efficiency in resolving doubts or technical issues4,07
Duration of the experience (Are you satisfied with the length of the experience?)4,06
QUALITY of the experience
Visual quality of the experience4,13
Audio quality of the experience4,22
Quality of performance of the actors and actresses4,21
Feeling of immersion, quality of spaces and environments4,15

Evaluation Criteria


I feel I have learned (perhaps give examples of various topics that were discussed in the training)4,02
I feel I would have learned more in a regular online training compared to this Virtual Reality training3,03
I feel that I would have learned more in a traditional classroom training compared to this Virtual Reality training3,19
Evaluation methods have been adequate in terms of difficulty and originality4,03
The contents meet my expectations4,01
The evaluation methods (quizz, questions, etc.) have made me learn what my strengths and weaknesses are, helped me to better understand where I am in my learning process4,14

I found this Virtual Reality experience to be original, innovative and creative4,00
I got bored because of the repetition of the content or because the experience was too slow2,56
I would like to do more Virtual Reality training3,46
I found the forms of interaction in the experience enriching and interesting3,81

Estamos muy contentos de que esta experiencia inmersiva que hemos co-creado con la Fundación TPM-DTI haya obtenido una puntuación global de 4/5 en los cuestionarios de evaluación respondidos por los participantes en 2021.

Lee más información sobre el proyecto VR Family Approach aquí. 

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