Luis Villarejo participates en the inauguration by the President of the Generalitat of the new Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation UOC Hub
The Open University of Catalonia (UOC) rector, Josep A. Planell, and the President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Pere Aragonès, inaugurated on November 28th, 2022, the building that will house the Interdisciplinary Research and Innovation Hub , located on the Poblenou Campus in 22@, the technological and innovation district of Barcelona. This building will be a fundamental part of the UOC’s Research and Innovation (R&I) ecosystem, maximizing the international researchers and collaborators interactions between different disciplines. This ecosystem will be structured around three strategic axes of research: online learning, digital health and the network society, and will bring together a good part of the facilities and assets now scattered throughout Barcelona and Castelldefels, such as the Internet Interdisciplinary Institute (IN3), who investigates the internet and the effects of the interaction between human activity and technology; the eHealth Center, a transdisciplinary center on digital health, and research in online learning (e-learning), of which Immersium Studio is part.

The event consisted of a guided tour of the facilities and was attended by the Minister for Research and Universities, Joaquim Nadal. The UOC chose four innovative projects to present during the opening, and Immersium Studio was one of them. Luis Villarejo explained to the President of the Generalitat and the Rector of the UOC, the project that we developed during the Covid-19 pandemic, with which we have already trained more than 20,000 health professionals from all over Europe, both in medicine and nursing, in ICU skills. Immersium Studio worked with the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine to develop this Virtual Reality training for health. Various mass media have highlighted the importance of innovative projects such as ours within the research and entrepreneurship circuit of Barcelona city.

We are very happy to have been able to participate in this inauguration of the new Interdisciplinary Hub for Research and Innovation at the UOC, which will be a cutting-edge technology center for health research and online learning (e-learning), like the one we develop at Immersium Studio .