We are very happy to announce that Immersium Studio has turned 5 years old. Immersium Studio was born as a spin-off of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC) arising from the knowledge society, with the mission of facilitating the training of people throughout life, using immersive technologies to overcome the barriers of time and space, and enhance the pedagogical impact. Throughout these 5 years we have developed many immersive experiences that have improved the training of different professionals in very diverse fields, such as health, both at a social level (gender-based violence, communication skills, transversal skills, psicological acompaniments, etc.) as well as at a more specific professional level (operation of an UCI, hand hygiene procedure, etc.). We have also participated in sustainable development processes, immersive experiences in Augmented Reality (restoration, archaeological exhibitions, heritage, etc.). The usefulness of immersive experiences is very broad and we are proud to be applying them to help and improve the quality of training for institutions and companies.
Immersium Studio was founded at the beginning of 2018, entering the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona in May of that year. It has gone through a long process to advance people’s creativity and contribute to society progress.
Immersium Studio has celebrated its 5th anniversary in its new offices, which are located in the Almogàvers Incubator of Barcelona Activa (Almogàvers Business Factory). Barcelona Activa is a local development agency whose mission is to contribute to improving the quality of people life by promoting the economic competitiveness of the city and the rebalancing of the territories, through the promotion of quality employment, the promotion of entrepreneurship and support for a plural, diverse and sustainable business fabric, from an economic, social and environmental perspective. Barcelona Activa has spaces prepared to offer a quality service to people and companies. These services include various incubators such as Glòries, MediaTIC or Almogàvers, that offer a space for companies with a high technological impact and innovative start-ups.
Immersium Studio is located in the Almogàvers Incubator, because it forms part of Hubbik which is the platform that promotes entrepreneurship and innovation at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC).

Coffee to Coffee
As part of the activities they organize for the companies from the different Barcelona Activa incubators, there are Coffee to Coffee mornings where the incubated companies have a space where they briefly explain what they do to make themselves known and establish contacts with other incubated companies from interest. At Immersium Studio we were able to participate in the Coffe to Coffee that was held on March 29, 2023.
We are very happy to have had the opportunity to explain, at the Glòries Incubator, that we are dedicated to training through immersive methods to a public that is very interested in our knowledge. The collaboration between different entrepreneurial projects and start-ups is a very interesting and convenient point that must be taken into account.

From Immersium Studio we will continue working very hard to continue developing excellent quality immersive experiences, useful in the training of different professionals. The advancement of technology favors the increasingly common use of immersive technologies and we are convinced that their use will not stop growing and the quality of training for many professionals will be improved.